Publications de Brigitte Lods-Crozet
- Lods-Crozet, B. & Lachavanne, J.-B. 1994. Changes in chironomid communities in Lake Geneva in relation with eutrophication, over a period of 60 years. Arch. Hydrobiol. 130(4), 453-471.
- Lods-Crozet, B., Lencioni, V., Olafsson, J.S., Snook, D., Velle, G., Brittain, J.E., Castella, E. & Rossaro, B. 2001. Chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) communities in six European glacier-fed streams. Freshwater Biology 46, 1791-1809.
- Lods-Crozet B. & Castella, E. 2009. Colonisation by midges (Chironomidae, Diptera) of recently-created shallow ponds: implications for the restoration of lacustrine fringing wetlands. International Journal of Limnology- Annales de Limnologie 45, 257-266.
- Lods-Crozet B, Oertli B. & Robinson CT. 2012. Long-term patterns of chironomid assemblages in a high elevation stream/lake network (Switzerland) – Implications to global change. Fauna Norvegica 31 : 71-85.
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